March 26, 2013

Spring 2013

I can't believe Riley turns 6 this Sunday. Where did my baby go? I can't even put 6 up on one hand. He is certainly growing into a wonderful boy. We couldn't ask for a more caring, loving and kind young man. He is our sporty "all-boy" with a sensitive and caring heart. He is a great prayer warrior too. I can't wait to see how he continues to grow and mature!

Bluebonnets are some of my favorites from this time of year. I mean, we have them for just a short while, why not photograph them? I love getting these two out in the bluebonnets for some fun adventures. Yes, we check for fire ants and snakes first!!! These were taken out at "The Farm". I couldn't contain myself and even had a wardrobe change!

Some more random farm pics from our Spring Break trip! We love that place!!! Notice Riley's backpack? Shawn turned it into his "get home" bag. He doesn't take it off at the Farm just in case he ever gets lost or needs to find his way. Those scouts...always prepared!
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