July 11, 2012

Riley's Lily

Riley got this lily from Linda at their Easter Egg Hunt in 2011. We planted it after Easter last year, and he worked and worked to water and take care of it. It came up a little last year and he was overly excited. This year the thing exploded. We had so much winter rain that it grew so tall in the spring. Then we waited into the summer. We really didn't think it was going to bloom because we were already getting later into the summer. THEN, we got up one day in June and it had a bloom. The bloom was so heavy and the plant too tall to support it. I had to prop it up on my caladiums (and don't they look gorgeous with the lily!!!) June 28 we got up and the bloom had cracked open a little. We left for a few hours and came back to this:

And this was what we saw on June 29. We were so excited. He had really worked hard on his lily. And I got to use our progress as a photo op!!!
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