October 25, 2010

Creighton's 10 Month Session

My mother-in-law just happened to put out her "pumpkin patch" right at the time Creighton was 10 months old. I told Laura to send in him to my house in a cute fall outfit because we had the perfect spot for a great session. She needed an excuse to buy these adorable overalls, anyway!!! Riley, Creighton and I headed over to Mimi and Grumps for a little "photo phun"! Riley was a great assisstant! His job was to keep Creighton entertained and well fed with Crunchies!!! We had so much fun in Mimi's pumpkin patch. Here are some favorites!

Check out my wonderful, adorable photographer's assisstant!!! He had to get in on some of the action!

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