February 28, 2012

Carrolls Continued

We had to split this session up to include Brian. Both times we chose it was warm the day before and then cold and windy the day of. Literally, I think we chose the coldest day in January and coldest day in February. Cannon just didn't like that cold weather. He is adorable, but I have seen him smile much more with his precious dimples. Creighton wanted to run and be free out on their land. We worked in a few action shots, though. We're going after some more when the weather cooperates.

February 9, 2012

Cannon and Creighton Jan. 2012

I had fun taking these of Cannon and Creighton. They are such cute boys and I had fun capturing their shots.

Well, Creighton had to have some with Riley. They are buddies!

Riley, Faith, Bailey, Brynn

These are for Mimi. She has been wanting some pics of all four of her grandkids. A couple of reschedules and we finally got them all together. We had lots of fun trying to get all four of them to look and smile at the same time. When you have cousins taking pictures you also may have a few arguments to get through as well. We made it!!!

I don't know what Riley was doing in this one. But it is still cute!