January 11, 2012

Merry Christmas

I know. It is another collage, but with my computer/blogger running so slowly, it is faster to create a collage and upload it as one photo on here. I got two clients to commit for the spring time after posting a few of these on facebook. Yes!!! I am getting back into the swing of things after taking a break when I had Bailey and picking up some clients other than my two favorites!!!
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January 10, 2012

Bailey's One Year Shots Take 2

Bailey got this adorable skirt and bow for Christmas! As soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted to get some one year shots with them together and nothing else!!! I packed it in our New Year's suitcase knowing I would somehow get some pics on her actual birthday!!! It was pretty warm during the day except for the wind, but as soon as the sun went down below the horizon, it was very chilly. Hence why the evening ones had to be in her cute pink and purple outfit below. I still loved them. It is hard to choose a favorite!!!

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Bailey's One Year Shots Take 1

I took these one afternoon before we left for New Year's in Oklahoma. I wanted some of her by the tree and with a Santa hat like I have of Riley. I saw the mirror idea on Pinterest. Thanks to whoever shared that one. We had so much fun with these!!!

Bailey's Cupcake on Her Birthday!!!

Bailey loved her cupcake on her birthday. We continued with our tradition and spent New Year's in Oklahoma. Jenn got Bailey a cupcake to have on her actual birthday. She loved it. That girl was green all over, and the bath water turned such a pretty shade!!! I can't believe she's one already!!!
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