December 27, 2009

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Family Snow Pics

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Toni's Grandkids

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Granlee and Poppy's Grandkids

Granlee and Poppy's 3 grandkids: Riley, Addie and Anderson!!! No, that is not Riley's scooter. He had a blast on Kynlie and Kaygen's Santa presents. We think we have a great birthday present idea, just not in pink!!!

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Christmas Day!

The "blizzard" and icy roads were not much fun to drive slide down on Christmas Eve, but the snow sure was fun to play in on Christmas Day! These pics were taken before all the rest of the crew was even up. Shawn, Riley and I are the early birds of the bunch!
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Riley and Poppy

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Crazy times!
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We tried to get a pic of all the kids who were at Christmas, but Anderson was sleeping, and who would blame him after they all waited so long for us (Shawn, Kelly and Riley) to get to Trey's. We hit the Texas blizzard with what should have been an hour to go. That hour ended up being 3 1/2 hours. Total trip to Ft. Worth: 5 1/2 hours. A little more than expected, but we finally made it! We even beat Santa!!!

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Lee Christmas 2009

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Rhodes' Christmas 2009

Here are some pics from our Rhodes' Christmas. We had lots of fun watching Riley and Faith. They are such good friends. They love each other so much. They were so excited about each gift, but the sleeping bags were the BIG hit of the night. They would get in, get out, fold them up, roll them out...over and over. What fun!

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