October 30, 2009

The Farm Oct.16

The farm was full of these beautiful cowpen daisies. I had to experiment with some pics of Riley and Faith, as well as, the Monarchs that decided to rest on these beautiful flowers.

October 26, 2009

Sydney Rhodes: August 2009

Yes, these were from August, but at that time I didn't quite have my own business started, nor did have a blog. These are our cousins Kasey and Sydney. Erin and I wanted to practice a photo shoot, and Kasey wanted some "professional" pics of Sydney. It worked out perfectly!!!

October 25, 2009

Creighton in the Sunset

Posted by PicasaThis was my first attempt at maternity pics. Thank you, Laura, for letting me practice on you during this special time in your life!!! Aren't Laura and Creighton beautiful against that gorgeous sunset?

October 21, 2009

I'm Diving In!!!

I have always loved photography and many times said, "Someday I would like to have a photography business." Well, a kind coworker of mine saw some pictures I took at Family Reading Night, and she said, "Kelly, your 'someday' is here." She wanted a family portrait and urged me to start thinking of prices and getting at least a flyer made with everything listed. Several others since then have helped me make the dive into starting my own business. Everyone I talked to said I just have to jump in feet first and go for it. I worked all summer on prices and my brochure to present to potential clients. Now, I am posting my first message on my blog for my photography business. How cool!!!